More than just a video player.

Our Modernization Layer ensures future changes to your tutorial are instantly applied wherever your tutorial is already available, like in-app, knowledge base articles, getting started guides, and marketing material.
Our Translation Layer automatically detects a user's language preference, then translates the tutorial into one of 70+ languages without any extra work on your end.
Our Video Player provides visualizations text and images alone can't.

The video is also in sync with the written instructions, ensuring you always receive visual and in-depth instructions while learning how to
do something.
Written step-by-step instructions provide the user with more in-depth instructions than video can offer.

Steps automatically follow along with the video as it plays. Users can also skip to the most appropriate step by clicking on it, expanding the step while jumping the video to that point in time.
Tutorial descriptions include a time estimate of how long someone will need to dedicate to a process, leading to more positive learning experiences
by allowing people to choose when it makes sense to get started.

Soon we'll be adding support for document downloads and more.
Tutorial descriptions include a time estimate of how long someone will need to dedicate to a process, leading to more positive learning experiences by allowing people to choose when it makes sense to get started.

Soon we'll be adding support for document downloads and more.
Written step-by-step instructions provide the user with more in-depth instructions than video can effectively offer.

Steps automatically follow along with the video as it plays. Users can also skip to the most appropriate step by clicking on it, expanding the step while also jumping the video that point in time.
Our Video Player provides visualizations text and images alone can't.

The video is also in sync with the written instructions, ensuring you always receive a visual and in-depth written component while learning how to do something.
Our Translation Layer automatically detects a user's language preference, then translates the tutorial into one of 70+ languages without any extra work on your end.
Our Modernization Layer ensures future changes to your tutorial are instantly applied wherever your tutorial is already available, like in-app, knowledge base articles, getting started guides, and marketing material.

A self-serve experience unlike any other.

Our patented Tutorial Player caters to the four primary types of learners and translates itself to a person's preferred language to be as accessible as possible.
Videos help provide visual context that text and images alone can't.
Audio allows you to personally walk someone through a process.
Leverage text for in-depth details, links, code snippets, and more.
Place in-app or "in the box" so users can do the task in real-time.
Oh, the places you'll go enhance adoption rates.
Enhancing product awareness and adoption means placing tutorials when, where, and how they're needed most. Luckily for you, fyiio's designed for just that.
Leverage sidebars, tooltips, and more to make help accessible in-app vs looking somewhere else.
Enhance your KB, CMS, and LMS articles with interactive, multilingual, and dynamic learning experiences.
Within existing tools
Link and embed tutorials regarding new and updated functionality via emails, landing pages, and more.
In marketing content
Clicking a step expands it to provide more detailed info while also skipping the video to that point in time, allowing people to quickly get to what's important sooner.
Intuitive at heart.
Our Tutorial Player automatically detects a user’s preferred language and instantly translates your tutorial into one of 70+ languages without any added work on your end.
Multilingual, even if you aren't.
Easily embed in-app, within existing help center articles, CMS and LMS tools, and more, so help is rapidly accessible when, where, and how it's needed most.

Future updates applied to the video and written instructions are instantly applied wherever the tutorial has been placed without updating embed codes.
Embeddable and up to date.